
Nafshi Esa Conference

Jewish and Halachic Approaches to Mental Health for Individuals and Families

Thursday 12.12.24

16:00 - 21:00

Nefesh B'Nefesh Campus, Jerusalem

Join Us at the Nafshi Esa Conference

A groundbreaking and empowering event, Nafshi Esa is the first conference of its kind designed for members of the religious community facing mental health challenges and their families. Organized by Maaglei Nefesh in partnership with Nefesh B’Nefesh, the conference offers two tracks—one in Hebrew and one in English—to ensure a welcoming and accessible environment for everyone.

Who Should Attend?

  • Individuals (18+) facing mental health challenges
  • Family members supporting loved ones through mental health struggles

Why Attend?

The Nafshi Esa conference offers a unique opportunity to connect with a supportive community of people who truly understand your journey. Through dynamic presentations and meaningful conversations, you’ll experience a space where you are seen, valued, and cared for within the religious world. Whether seeking guidance, comfort, or practical tools, you’ll leave feeling more equipped to navigate life’s challenges and support your loved ones.

At the conference, we will focus on four key solutions:

Guidance & Care

Halachic Tools

Connection and Support

Rabbinic Assistance

What Will You Gain?

  • A profound sense of belonging in the religious community
  • Practical tools and knowledge to improve personal and family well-being
  • Access to valuable resources that can help guide you toward a better, more fulfilling life
  • A better understanding of the deep connection between the worlds of Judaism and mental health

Conference schedule

The conference will feature two parallel tracks with different topics. One track will be in English and one in Hebrew:


In the Shadow of Transition : From Pain to Understanding – A Panel on Suicide in Olim Families
A unique panel featuring a Rabbi, psychologist, and individual with lived experience

למה זה קורה לי? – ההתמודדות הפילוסופית, האישית וההלכתית.
פאנל ייחודי בהשתתפות רב, פסיכולוג ומתמודד


Finding the words: Empowering Families to talk about Suicidality & Hardships
Discussion circles led by professionals

נידה ומערכות יחסים זוגיות – לימוד בית מדרש (בחברותא) על הלכה ובריאות הנפש, עם דגש על הקשר הזוגי.

19:00 – 19:40 Light Dinner


Faith as a Tool for Healing
Beit Midrash & Chavrusa

התמודדות משפחתית – מעגלי שיח שיעסקו במתן כלים ותמיכה למשפחות.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with a compassionate and understanding community. Join us at Nafshi Esa—a transformative conference designed to empower and uplift individuals and families dealing with mental health challenges within the framework of Jewish values.

We look forward to welcoming you.

About Maaglei Nefesh

Maaglei Nefesh was founded in 2021 to provide innovative Halachic solutions that respond to modern advancements and challenges. We offer specialized training for Rabbis on mental health and Jewish law, operate a virtual support center with Rabbinic guidance, and hold hundreds of meetings with individuals struggling with mental health issues. Our outreach extends across Israel and around the world, through events and programs that address the intersection of mental health and religion.

email support

You can use this form to write to one of our trained Rabbis.

Please provide all relevant information regarding your question, situation, and diagnosis so that we can provide the best and most accurate response.

You can expect a response within 3 business days. We will attempt to respond to more urgent enquiries as quickly as possible.

If you prefer to speak to us, please schedule a call or chat.

In crisis situations, please contact Eran on 1201.

host a shiur

I would like to invite Rav Yoni Rosensweig to speak in my community.