Author: Nadav Ellinson
Mental Health & Halacha with Rav Yoni & Dr. Harris (Video)
February 1, 2021
Refuat Hanefesh
Mental Health and Halakha: Interview with Rav Yoni and Dr. Harris (Video)
January 24, 2021
Rav Eitan Bendavid
“Ask the Rabbi:” Halakha and Mental Health Issues in the COVID-19 Era (Video)
November 5, 2020
Ohr Torah Stone
Journaling on Shabbat (Article)
October 8, 2020
Refuat Hanefesh: Preview Of Rav Rosensweig’s Upcoming Book On Mental Health And Jewish Law
Coming to terms with mental illness in Judaism and in our communities
September 25, 2020
‘Remember that davening is worship of the heart, and some people’s hearts are busy just finding the will to get
Expanding the Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline Would Put Water and Climate At Risk
May 6, 2020
Trump lost big in court last Friday when a federal judge in Alaska threw out his plan to open up